The Lady's Magazine



A short round dress of yellow muslin or crape over a white sarsnet petticoat; the dress trimmed round the bottom with a broad lace, and made much shorter than the petticoat: the bodies full, and trimmed with a coloured trimming, which crosses in the front and is made to correspond at the back: sleeves laid in crossways over white sarsnet. Head-dress a half turban of coloured velvet, ornamented with small pearl beads, the hair seen at the back. White shoes and gloves.

2. A dress of white sarsnet or satin, with a long train; sleeves made rather full, and trimmed with a rich lace; body quite plain; lace tucker and gloves: cap of lace intermixed with fawn-coloured velvet or satin, and trimmed with ribbon to match; white cornelian or pearl necklace.


Besides capotes, which lose nothing in depth, our fashionable ladies wear large yellow pamela hats in undress. The pamelas are of very fine straw; but except two ends of ribbon, by which they are fastened under the chin, all kinds of ornaments are excluded. The number of caps a la paysanne is not considerable, but they are worn by ladies of the most elegant taste.

The waists are still very short, and the robes in general round. For full dress, they are frequently of striped gauze, and trimmed with satin ribbons; the trimming usually representing a foliage.