1806 Fashions from La Belle Assemblee
Vauxhall Fete Dresses
Fashions for September 1806
La Belle Assemblée August 1806 at 387-389
Plain Muslin Dress a walking length; bodice of white sarsnet, cut low, and ornamented in the back; a hollow roll of muslin round the armhole; a scarf of coloured sarsnet, thrown over one shoulder, and only confined by the hands, as they fall naturally to secure it; a shirt of patent net, gathered into a deep standing frill of lace; sarsnet cap the same as the scarf, with lace border put on plain, and formed into a rose in front; bow, with long ends, on the left side; straw-coloured gloves and shoes.
A Walking Dress of India muslin, with double flounce round the bottom; spenser waist, trimmed round the back and down the sides to correspond, the front made high and gathered in the centre of the bosom into a long gold broach; the throat covered with a sort of stock, with a frill of lace on the top; a straw hat of the turban form, turned up, deep before and behind, and bending downwards on the sides with a narrower curve; gloves, shoes and parasol, of silver grey.
Paris Fashions
Fashions for September 1806
La Belle Assemblée August 1806 at 387-389
A round train dress of Moravian worked muslin, with correspondent border, worn over white satin; white satin sash, tied in front; long waist, with robing back; round bosom, cut low, embroidered border round; no neckerchief; a short full sleeve, gathered into a puckered roll the size of the arm; the hair parted near the forehead, the front in close curls, divided from that which forms the crown by a tiara of frost-work studded with antique medallions in the centre, the rest of the hair formed into various horizontal braids, twisted into a knot on the crown of the head, and fastened with a gold comb, the ends formed into curls; necklace and ear-rings of amethyst, linked with wrought gold; India muslin scarf, richly embroidered with an embroidery of purple and gold; white satin shoes; and white kid gloves.
Plain muslin dress, a walking length, a ribband laid flat round the bottom; a patent net apron, with an an embroidered border in stars, and a lace put full all round; the bosom of the dress cut rather low, and a full plaiting of net all round; a short sleeve rather full, confined with a plaited band of muslin the size of the arm; a small straw hat, a little turned up on one side, no rim on the other, but the vacancy occupied by field-flowers or roses; a band of yellow sarsnet is passed under the chin, and tied in a bow on the top of the crown; no hair is seen but on the sides; a half square of lilac muslin, embroidered with a border of laurel leaves in white, is thrown negligently round the neck, and confined simply with the right hand; necklace and ear-rings of pearl; gloves of yellow kid, tied above the elbow with a bow of lilac ribband; sandals of the same, laced with lilac; lilac ribband round the waist, and tied with a small bow and long ends behind.