Vauxhall Fete Dress

Fashions for October 1813

September 1813 La Belle Assemblee at 124.

No. 1--Vauxhall Vittoria Fete Dress

Short dress of crape over a very slight white satin petticoat, made more scanty in the skirt than we have seen them for some time; ornamented round the bottom with a trimming composed of crape and small pearl beads in the form of laurel leaves, each of which is edged with those beautiful imitations of pearls, and a row also goes up the middle of each leaf, which has a novel and very elegant effect. Over this dress is a Princess Charlotte of Wales’ body, of pink crape; for the front of this body we refer our readers to the Plate; the back is made uncommonly broad, and extremely low both behind and before. The sleeves are crape over white satin, fancifully ornamented with beads to correspond with the trimming round the bottom; a similar, but much smaller trimming goes round the bosom and back of the neck. A small white crape jacket finishes this dress. The hair cropped behind, and disposed in loose ringlet in front; a superb white lace veil falls from the back of the head, and is taken carelessly on the arm as a drapery; a fancy half wreath is placed to the side. White kid gloves and slippers; emerald necklace, earrings and bracelets.