1806 Evening Dresses
Full Dress from Lady’s Monthly Museum April 1806
Hair Fashionably dressed; ornamented with a Silver Wreath. A Train of Pink Muslin; full Sleeves, looped up to the Shoulders, trimmed round the Bottom and Bosom with deep Lace; Pic-Nic Sleeves. White Shoes, Fan, and Ridicule.
November fashion from the October 1806 La Belle Assemblee
No. 2—An Evening Dress.
Plain clear muslin petticoat, with short train; worn over white sarsnet; bordered at the bottom, a little above the hem, in a Vandyke of shaded green chenille. A Spanish demi-robe of white satin, sloped in the form of a crescent behind and before, and terminating on each side in a point, from whence is suspended a tassel of chenille; the under waist, plaited in front, and a demi-wrap commencing on the right shoulder crosses the bosom, and terminates on the left side of the waist; worked backs, somewhat higher than usual; an under sleeve of white satin, embroidered at the edge, to correspond with the bottom of the dress; a muslin sleeve over, full at the bottom, and gathered into a pearl broach in the centre of the arm. Lace tucker to shade the bosom, quite straight. Flora cap of green velvet, with a flowing border of deep lace, caught up in front with a pearl ornament. Hair in crossed bands, with a few simple curls beneath, falling on one eyebrow. Pearl necklace, earrings, and bracelets. White satin shoes; and white kid gloves, above the elbow.