
Mrs. Bell’s Advertisement for Corsets

Universal Advertising Sheet in La Belle Assemblee for October 1, 1817.


Where she has been for the purpose of making such Selections of the Parisian fashions as may suit the taste of the Ladies of England. Her time in Paris was devoted to the inspection and choice of MILLINERY, DRESSES and CORSETS. She has brought over Models, Patterns and Ideas of the most prevailing Parisian Fashions, and of every article of Novelty so as to have them made by the English Manufacturer. The principal Milliners and Dress-Makers in Paris have engaged to send Mrs. BELL Models (Weekly) of every Parisian Novelty; so that Ladies of taste in Dress may be gratified with Parisian Costume with the same facility as if residing in Paris, or the Feminine Grace and Elegance of the English Costume blended with the French.--A Beautiful Miscellaneous and Novel Collection of MILLINERY, DRESSES, and CORSETS are ready for inspection of the Nobility and Gentry, particularly some PELISSES and PETTICOATS, of quite a new manufacture and which have been made in the looms of this country, after French Models--they are unique, and decided novelties. MRS. BELL’s improved Corsets are unequalled in Paris or any other country; and as she has the happiness to state, are universally worn and adopted in the French capital. She has received several orders for Corsets from Ladies of the French Court, who expressed their surprise and astonishment that a Corset should give so much grace and elegance to the figure.

THE ARMENIAN DIVORCE CORSET prevents that roundness and stoop in the back frequently conspicuous, being the greatest novelty ever known in Corsets, just invented by Mrs. Bell, and already patronized by the Nobility. It gives to the bust grace, elegance and ease; an effect to dress unknown in this or any other country, and a form to the back most surprising.

THE BANDAGE CORSETS invented for Pregnant Ladies before or after Accouchement, and for Ladies inclined to corpulency and dropsy, are declared by Physicians to be the only Corset that should be worn, as they give the necessary support to Ladies in such situations. They are well worthy of the attention of such Ladies as have had their shape in some degree injured, by having a family, or who are inclined to corpulency. It is well own that numbers of Ladies, from a desire to preserve their shape compress it in a manner that frequently injured their health in the greatest degree; those Ladies may be assured that Mrs. Bell’s new invented Corset and Bandage will answer every purpose of the stiffest Stay, while at the same time, they give to the female form that ease and gracefulness which superfluities of Whalebone and Steel must inevitably destroy.

Ladies in the country or abroad may obtain either Dresses, Habits, or Corsets, made to fit with the same accuracy as if present, by sending a Dress or a pair of Corsets that fit well to the shape.