Le Beau Monde--Walking Outfits


Fig. No. 3.--A MORNING WALKING DRESS.--A plain muslin dress, walking length, made high in front, and forms a shirt collar, richly embroidered; long sleeves, also embroidered round the wrists, and at the bottom of the dress; a pelisse open coat, without any seam in the back, composed of orange-blossom tinged with brown, made of Angola cloth, or sarsnet, trimmed either with rich Chinchilla fur, or sable tipt with gold; white fur will also look extremely delicate. The pelisse sets close to the form on one side, and is fastened on the right shoulder with a brooch; both sides may be worn close as a wrapping pelisse. Indispensibles are still much worn, and of the same colour as the dress. The Agrippina hat, made at Millard’s, corner of Southampton-street, Strand, is truly elegant and quite new; the hair in loose curls, confined with a band of hair: ear-rings are quite out of fashion. Leather gloves and high shoes or half boots, of orange-blossom, brown velvet or kid.

Fig. No. 4.--A MORNING WALKING DRESS FOR GENTLEMEN is composed of a dark brown coat, with double breasted lapels, cut into angles, skirt moderately long; fancy toilinette, but chiefly marseilles, waistcoat, leather breeches, with two or three buttons ascending above the knee: boots with round toes and dark brown glossy tops.